Author: Chad Ellis Boykin


Photo by Steven Paul Whitsitt https://www.spwhitsittphoto.com/

Attorney, publisher, and former boxer Chad Ellis Boykin is the owner and creator of Jobber House Press, LLC. He earned a Juris Doctor from North Carolina Central University School of Law, Cum Laude, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government, with a minor in Film, from North Carolina State University, Magna Cum Laude.

He is the author of Muay Thai Kickboxing: The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning, Training, and Fighting (Paladin Press), The Twilight Zone Haiku, and the forthcoming Kaiju and Kayfabe, essays on the uniquely interconnected history of giant Japanese monster cinema and the art of professional wrestling.

He has contributed to the forthcoming Outside In Can Live With It: 174 Deep Space 9 Stories, 174 Writers, 174 New Perspectives (ATB Press), and has written for Kaiju Ramen, G-Fan (Daikaiju Enterprises, Ltd.), Women Love Wrestling, Inside Kung Fu, Martial Arts Legends Presents: Muay Thai, Diabetes Forecast, and Diabetes Fitness.

Foreword: Tom Elliot


Tom Elliot wrote the Foreword for the Twilight Zone Haiku and is the producer and narrator of the Audiobook version. 

Tom is the host of The Twilight Zone Podcast, the definitive and longest running podcast about the landmark show on the web. In addition to episode reviews, the podcast includes short story readings, book reviews, event coverage and interviews.

The show has been graced by guests such as Anne Serling (daughter of The Twilight Zonecreator Rod Serling and acclaimed author of As I knew Him: My Dad, Rod Serling), Earl Holliman (the first actor to ever appear in The Twilight Zone) and Win Rosenfeld, Executive Producer of the 2019 The Twilight Zone reboot. Tom featured as one of the speakers in the BBC documentary You’re Entering Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone, along with Anne Serling and Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker.

The Twilight Zone Podcast is an unofficial production, dedicated to the preservation and promotion of The Twilight Zone and the work of Rod Serling.


Twilight Zone Haiku Cover Art by


Twilight Zone Haiku Interior Book Design and Layout by


The Twilight Zone ® is a registered trademark of CBS Broadcasting Inc., The Twilight Zone name is used by permission. The Twight Zone Haiku is a work of homage, scholarly review, and critical analysis reflecting the perspectives and interpretations of the author. It is not endorsed, licensed, or sponsored by CBS Broadcasting, Inc.